There is a drab market square, near empty with most of the stores boarded up. There is a baker, a potter, a weaver and a glass-maker. There is a stand that sells fresh farm goods, a bake shop and a dairy with good looking cheeses displayed. There is scarce trade in Dalereuth so most larger purchases must be sent for from Thendara.
There is an inn at the edge of the Market Square in Dalereuth. The inn has good stabling with a woman groom to care for the animals. Inside is an orderly, clean common room with a polished bar, freshly scrubbed tables, and comfortable chairs. Family groups as well as groups of individuals fill the tables. The rooms are nicely kept and made up with fresh linens for each guest. Through a door at one end of the second floor hallway are four baths reserved for women. At the other end of the hallway and up some stairs are baths reserved for the men. The inn has the hot springs. Mostly fishers come after a day’s work to bathe and eat. It is the only inn in Dalereuth for the town gets few travelers. The inn is run by Jock o’the Inn. Compared to most inns, the Dalereuth inn is impeccable with clean rooms and good food along with a nice atmosphere.
The Renunciates’ Guild House is across the street from the inn, with massive oak doors opening onto the pavement. A wide gate leads into the grounds at the side of the house. The grounds are extensive, with stables, a paved stable yard and large paddock. Behind the house are small walled gardens. There are orchards as well. The back of the grounds are also walled with a gate through which one can see the coast road and the sea wall. The sound of the sea water is heard clearly from the grounds.