Thendara as base house. I know I am welcome everywhere in the Guild. New sisters, you'll need a room somewhere, why not here. Of course, you are welcome at any guild house for visits of your chosen length.
If so, you'll need a room. The guild house is not so large, so if you can share a room that would be best. *Look below in the form for info on decorating your door.
* If you want your own room you can decorate the door to your room. Just pick either door and have fun! If you are sharing a room wait till I send you word and I'll tell you what half of a door to decorate, or you can talk to your room-mate about might have to wait a bit to get a room-mate.
The oath of the Free Amazons
Not to be led or kept for any man, not to go through childbirth or sex for the pleasure or want of any man, to make one's own choices, not to turn to men for protection or shelter, not to earn money through ways of serving men's lust, to defend one's self and to be mothers, daughters and sisters to one another in the guild.